Orange Buys Cars

Tips for Making Your Car Last Longer

(image from Sean Freese under CC BY-SA 2.0)


Most of us nowadays have a car. They are able to get us around faster and more conveniently, whether it be down the street to the convenience store, or across the country to visit a friend, our car can almost do it all. However, no car can last forever, because eventually we will have to part ways and sell it. When that happens, we want to get the best value back, and in order to do that we must maintain our car. Here are some great ways to make your car last longer.

Regular Oil Changes

The difference between a car that lasts hundreds and thousands of miles but is constantly plagued with problems, and one that lasts just as long but hardly ever has an issue, is probably due to regular oil changes. Regular oil changes will keep your engine lubricated and clean, which in turn results in a healthier and longer lasting car.

Adhere to Servicing Schedules

Like our yearly annual checkups at the doctor’s office, our cars also need regular checkups to make sure everything is running as it should. It is also advised to stick to the same mechanic just as you would stick to one doctor. They will know your vehicle best.


Assess Your Tires

Legs are to us as tires are to cars. We need them to move. That is why it’s imperative that we regularly check that our tires have enough pressure. To do so, use a pressure gauge to make sure each tire has the proper psi. The psi can be found in the owner’s manual or in the driver’s side door jamb.


Drive Calmly

Don’t break abruptly, and don’t take off too fast because this may affect the engine and the brakes. Slow and steady will win the race. This will also help your fuel economy as well.


Here at Orange Buys Cars, we believe that your car is one of your most valuable assets, and that is why we feel that you should take the best care of it. And once it has served its purpose, we believe that you should be able to get the most money back. With over 80 years of experience, we will offer you the best price for your car, always. Call us at Orange Buys Cars or stop by to speak with our friendly staff. If you’re ready to sell, we’re ready to buy!


Read More on the Blog: Observe National Car Care Month this April