Orange Buys Cars

How to Properly Care for your Car’s Interior

Driving Car” by bobtheskater via Pixabay (CC0 Creative Commons)

In the modern age that we live in, information is readily available over the internet. So it’s not extremely hard to learn how you can take care of your car yourself- which you can see here, on our Orange Buys Cars blog. It’s very useful to have some do-it-yourself car interior maintenance tricks up your sleeves for when you are in a bind and need to know the quick fix, quick. It will help you save money on hiring car repair services and it will help you preserve the value of your vehicle when you want to sell it to us here at Orange Buys Cars. If you want to know how you can properly maintain your car, we listed some tips on how to care for your car’s interior.

1. Clear your Car of all Unnecessary Items

It might have been a while since you looked properly inside your car. There could be lots of things that are not needed there. Remove all unwanted items like water bottles, receipts, and other trash. This is also a good opportunity to organize things like toys, books, magazines, and small bags. Take these things out if you no longer need them inside your car.

2. Remove Dust and Small Dirt Particles

Use a soft brush and vacuum to rid your car of dust and dirt. Begin with the upper parts like the window, center console, and dashboard. Then dust off the seats, upholstery, under the seats and the carpet. Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas, nooks and crannies, and even small buttons.

3. Wipe off Stains with Magic Eraser

Sometimes you need to remove more than dust and small dirt inside your car. There could be coffee spills, candy or chocolate stains, crayon and other ink marks. Use a magic eraser or any stain remover to clean everything. Make sure not to rub too hard though because it can damage the leather and vinyl, and be sure to check all products prior to putting them on you car to confirm they won’t injure the fabric/interior.

4. Clean the Vehicle Interior with Soft Towel

Check your car manual for liquid cleaners that you can use for your car interior. Spray some to a soft towel then wipe all parts to make sure everything is clean, from the center console, buttons on the dashboard, inside the windows, to the car seats.

5. Put Air Fresheners Up

After cleaning everything, make sure to air dry the inside of your car. Then, install an air freshener to keep the clean smell of inside. Choose a scent that is clean but powerful.

Ready to Sell your Vehicle? Bring it to Orange Buys Cars in Orlando, FL!

These tips on how to care for your car’s interior will help you maintain your car, and will also help you preserve the value of your car if you want to sell it. If you decide to do so, sell your car to us here at Orange Buys Cars. We have multiple options, including consigning your vehicle to us or we just buying it outright. Contact us today to learn more about our process, and get the money you deserve for your vehicle here in Orlando, FL!

Read More on the Blog: The Ultimate Way to get your Car Clean